Miraculous properties of saffron( Red Gold )


Saffron is a seasoning and coloring agent that reduces fat and cholesterol. It is a sedative, appetizer, antispasmodic, anti-cardiac and cancer enhancer, memory enhancer, and blood pressure suppressant. It is used to treat asthma, skin diseases, eye diseases, urinary tract infections, jaundice, menstruation, flatulence, stomach pain, and anemia

1-May Reduce Cancer Risk
2-May Help Fight Inflammation And Arthritis
3-May Boost Vision Health
4-May Help In Insomnia Treatment
5-May Promote Brain Health
6-May Promote Digestive Health
7-May Heal Burn Wounds
8-May Enhance Immunity
9-May Offer Relief From Menstrual Symptoms
10-May Improve Heart Health
11-May Protect The Liver
12-May Work As An Aphrodisiac
13-May Protect Skin From UV Radiation
14-May Enhance Complexion

(saffron)Red Gold Disadvantages:

Because saffron is on the reproductive system, the effect of pain so pregnant women should avoid eating it, as it may cause abortion. Eating too much is harmful to the kidneys. It reduces appetite and causes headache and disturbs the senses.

The consumption of 3 grams of saffron per person per month is very healthy and beneficial and consumption of more than 5 grams per person per month is harmful.

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