TITLEE About us

Export management company (EMC) is an export intermediary that helps producers reach the target markets. (EMC) bridges the gap between producers and the target market
Robin commercial company has started its activities with the purpose of facilitating trade and business relations all over the world.by working as an export management company (EMC) Robin has helped many reputable manufacturers to find their target market and expand their export.
Robin commercial group is a leading exporter company engaged in export Iranian goods we are committed to bringing you the best available products along with the highest standards of quality. We always strive to build long lasting business partnerships with our clients by offering the best value proposition for the trade with involvement in manufacturing, supplying and exporting of Iranian goods.

we offer precisely made products by the experienced professionals who possess an immense knowledge and experience in their respective fields. we make sure that we satisfy our clients each and every time with our products.
Timely delivery precise communication and professional approach.
As a successful export management company. our goal is to generate profitable export sales for our customers.
Effectively you have a dedicated international business development.

WHY Rabin Trading?

Supply of goods and services:

Robin commercial group helps the traders and business persons to find their required goods and services in Iran with a suitable quality and price and help them to purchase the goods and handle transportation, many Iranian products are exported in large amounts annually.
Robin Commercial Company can help traders to buy and receive all desired products from Iran to all over the world.

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TITLEE What do we do?

Logistic services

In order for buyer’s countries to receive purchased goods from Iran Robin Commercial Company, manages all the transportation and customs clearance includes handling all procedures of cargo transport from Iran to target countries, which include:

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Robin commercial company tries to play its role in increasing trade relations between the countries by bridging the gap between Iranian industrial centers, commercial companies, manufacturers and technical and engineering services companies.

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